drawing of green winged orchidWildlife in Portsmouth and Havant

Welcome to John Goodspeed's web.

Wildlife News  Wildlife Pictures Walks and Talks Wildlife Sites  Conservation Issues

Wildlife Rescue Garden Bird Watch


This page was updated at 14:13 on 21Oct2024         On this web pictures are usually thumbnailed 


What's New  
14:13 on 21Oct2024    Wildlife News was updated. 
Sept 29th A Cowplain white squirrel sighting
31st August Portsdown meetings and walks added to the events page.

White squirrell









Photo: Wayne Humphies




Wildlife News:  This page is updated nearly daily, with information collected from various sources, listing wildlife seen in and around Portsmouth and Havant.  I would welcome your news to go on the page which is also the basis for weekly 'Nature Notes' distributed and displayed in the area.  There is a links to a page on white squirrels.

I welcome your news  and if you send me a short e mail including species seen, where and when I will add it to the Wildlife News page which is updated more or less daily.  Depending on the space available I may not include references to common species in the weekly Nature Notes.


Wildlife events: Here you will find a list of local walks and talks where you can meet with like-minded people to learn and share knowledge of wildlife and the local environment. 


Conservation Issues:  Have a look here to find information on some of the many groups working to protect habitat and wildlife in our area.

Conservation Designations: Have you ever wondered what a triple SI is or a RAMSAR site.  Here is my attempt to explain.

Wildlife Sites: Where are the best places to go locally to enjoy and see wildlife.  Some sites, listed below, have their own pages.

Langstone Harbour:  This page is devoted to what is probably our main local site.  There are links to some of the places around the harbour that are worth a look and to a separate page on the Friends of Langstone Harbour group.

Portsdown  The chalk ridge along the northern edge of Portsmouth dominated by a chalk downland SSSI is a great place for a walk with views over the harbours and north to the south downs.  It is looked after by Portsmouth's countryside officer supported by the conservation volunteers and Friends of Portsdown.  There is also a page on the nearby Hookheath Meadows nature reserve managed by the Wildlife Trust.

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