Green winged orchid drawing

Wildlife Walks and Talks 


Work Parties Home Page

This page was updated at 10:03 on 09May2024

Updates on expected weather etc will be added up to a week ahead of walks in this list and updated as the day approaches.

The leader of the walks below, unless otherwise stated, will be John Goodspeed.    Phone : 078 1143 5252  E mail:   Well behaved dogs are welcome on John's walks.  Donations for the Wildlife Trust will be welcomed.

On all walks wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions.  Bring with you binoculars (and on coastal walks a telescope) if you have them .   On longer walks you may also want to bring refreshments and we can take  a short break. 

If you have suggestions for future walks please e mail me



Join a Guided Walk on Portsdown led by Richard Jones  10am-12.30pm.. Butterflies and orchids should abound.  No charge, come prepared for rain or shine!  Meet at the East Gate of Fort Widley  Portsdown Hill Road, Cosham PO6 3LS.  Queries? contact Portsmouth Countryside Service;
023 9238 9623, or

Weds 7th Aug PORTS-MOTH 8.30-10pm
We’ll set a light trap to see what’s flying.    No charge, come prepared for rain or shine!  Meet at the East Gate of Fort Widley  Portsdown Hill Road, Cosham PO6 3LS
Thurs 8th Aug PORTS-MOTH REVEAL 9.30-10am
We’ll open the trap to identify and release anything that’s been caught.  No charge, come prepared for rain or shine!  Meet at the East Gate of Fort Widley  Portsdown Hill Road, Cosham PO6 3LS.   Queries? contact Portsmouth Countryside Service 023 9238 9623, or

















Work Parties

Portsdown Conservation Volunteers

There are work parties every Wednesday from 10:00 till 15:00 on Portsdown managing the area on the Site of Special Scientific Interest.  Meet at 10:00 at the East entrance of Fort Widley.  Tools, gloves and hot drinks are all provided but you will need to bring your lunch if you are staying to the end.  (You don't have to!)

There are also work parties on the third Sunday of the month.

Friends of Langstone Harbour

This group works roughly monthly usually towards the end of the month at various sites round the harbour.  Jobs include litter picking, scrub control and path clearance.  Details are available from John Goodspeed 7-10 days before the events.  We usually work from 9:00 to lunch time on Saturday mornings.  Gloves and tools are provided but you should bring any refreshments you need.  If you want to be added to the distribution list for information e mail John Goodspeed or write to him at 22 Hilltop Crescent Cosham PO6 1BD.