drawing of green winged orchid

  Pictures  White Squirrels Home Page



I welcome your news  and if you send me a short e mail including species seen, where and when I will add it to the Wildlife News page which is updated more or less daily.  Depending on the space available I may or may not include references to common species in the weekly Nature Notes.


To see news for the week ending       


Birds    Butterflies & Insects    Wild flowers      Other Wildlife







A common sandpiper moved between the lake and sea wall ditch at Farlington Marshes p.m. on 24th.


Two jays visited feeders in a Portsdown garden on 25th.


There were 3 bearded tits by the hut at Farlington on 24th.




Wild flowers

Centaury is flowering nicely in the grounds of the Sinah Warren hotel.





Butterflies and other insects



A fresh male Chalk Hill Blue was seen on Portsdown on 21st.







Other Wildlife





















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