Wildlife Pictures
Pictures on this page are thumb-nailed. Click on them to see the full size image.
If you have pictures that you think would look good on these web pages I would be happy to see them and probably publish them here. Send them as attachments to an e mail to john@havantnature.net. It helps me if the file name is changed to 'species - your name'. That way I won't use your picture in future without giving proper credits. Thanks in anticipation.
Emsworth Fungi in September
Some Fungi seen in Emsworth in mid- September 3023.
From left to right collared parachute, common puffball, fly agaric (2) and porcelain mushroom. Photos by Will Ohea
Early July on Portsdown
Betony, eyebrights, sickle medic, showing the diagnostic leaf with a hair like tip, and bastard toadflax which is not doing too well this yearmand harder to find than usual.
Portchester Treats (23 Jun 2020)
From Left to right: Chicory, clearly past its best; Fodder Vetch; common centaury and by Skew Road field cowwheat, tranpported years ago from the Isale of Wight and two pictures of the rare Orobanche hedera monochroma, a form of ivy broomrape otherwise only know around Winchester & Alresford which wass fouind 10/12 years ago in the new estate south of the nearby bridge but was a nice and unexpected find on the waste ground north of the bridge.
Deer fawns rescued
After roe deer fawns were accidentally killed in Northney last year when the
field was mown the local farmer accepted an offer by volunteers to do a field
sweep before harvesting this year.
Around 20 Northney residents (with social distancing!) did the sweep early in
June and 2 fawns were found. They were moved to the safety of a local garden
while the field was cut, and then returned to the field. They have since been
seen with ‘mum’ so have safely reunited. Everyone involved is very happy to have
helped avert another tragedy, including the farm.
Puss Moth caterpillars found on Broadmarsh June 2020
The first picture was taken on 4th June. The second taken on 27th is of the chrysalis of two of them.
Early June flowers.
Knapweed toad flax of which there is a lot on Portsdown; bee orchids now flowering widely; dropwort - the only sample south of Catherington; and bastard toad flax. The latter 2 are just beginning to flower in early June.
Hawk Moths trapped o/night 26th May 2020
The two outside pictures were taken after the moths had been in the fridge to calm down and before being released in the evening.
Hill Head snow bunting.
This snow bunting was found by Mark Appleton of the BirdAware Solent team in the Saltern car-park at Hill Head on 21st Nov 2019.
Moth trap results 27th July 2019
From left to right: four of the specimens that were put in the fridge for a couple of hours to cool their ardour; an elephant hawk moth with a slightly damaged left wing; Garden tiger; and a Jersey tiger moth.
Toad flax on Portsdown
Anita Hewes picture taken in the compartment above the Paulsgrove chalk pit on the 2nd July Wildlife Trust walk.
Gill Christy's pictures of an albino squirrel in central Southsea - June 2019.
Butser Flowers - april 2019
One of thousands of cowslips with an extra large head of flowers and herb paris in Grandfathers bottom. The white early purple orchid picture was seen on the Wildlife Trust walk and photographed by Judy Mason.
Photographs, taken by Diana Franklin, of a seal off the Southsea shore by the bandstand near the castle on 10th JUne 2018.
Early purple orchids and other Butser flowers
Green winged orchids at Gunner Point in April
the first picture is by Andrew Powling. My picture shows a pale version .
Nore Barn shanks
The first picture show, from left to right, spotted redshank, common redshank and a green shank.
Then there is the usual colour ringed greenshank
and the regular spotted redshank that has now been coming to this beach/stream for over 14 years.
Buzzards over Portsdown