This page gives information on some of the various groups that are involved in Wildlife recording or conservation in the area around Portsmouth and Havant. In most cases there will be a link to the web site of the relative organisation.
The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
This is our local county Wildlife Trust. It is one of 47 trusts in the UK which form the Wildlife Trust Partnership but it is an autonomous local charity.
Contact information is:
The trust has over 50 nature reserves of over 2,500 hectares in the two counties varying hugely in size and embracing all the typical habitats of the counties. Around half of the trust land is designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) under national legislation and much also has international protection designation.
Access to the reserves is generally free and unrestricted but in a few cases there are limitations. These may arise for one of two reasons - the terms of a lease form the land owner; or in other cases because the habitat of the reserve is sensitive and would not cope with unfettered access. There are also restriction on some reserves on the use of bicycles and access with dogs. In the latter case even when there are no formal restrictions all dog owners should of course ensure they have their dogs under full control at all times.
The Trust has over 25,000 members of whom around 1,000 are active as volunteers. Income from members is important but so is the impact we can get through having lots of members. SO PLEASE JOIN if you are not already a member. E-mail your address and I'll send you an application form or look at the trust web site. If you join and pay by direct debit you will get a free reserves guide.
There are local groups in our area that arrange walks and talks some of which are listed on my wildlife events page. Walks and talks across the county are listed in a diary sent to members from time to time with the Trust magazine (I usually have spare copies). The local groups and their contact points are as follows.
Havant, Hayling & Emsworth - Nigel Johnson 01489 877324
Fareham - Geoff Moss 01329 663078
South Downs - Peter Leversha 023 9259 2711
Hampshire Ornithological Society. (HOS)
HOS is the county bird is the county bird recording group. It collects data via a number of routes and published the quarterly and well illustrated 'Kingfisher' news letter and a definitive annual report. No local bird watcher should miss these!
HOS walks are led by experienced bird watchers and I have found it very helpful walking with such people. The walks are all over the county but there are some in our patch.
HOS list is a Yahoo group which delivers up to date reports into your e mail in box and also runs some interesting, often controversial, discussions on birding topics. You can sign up via the HOS website.
You can also join by downloading membership forms and pdf files of a recent magazine from the website. Membership costs just £12 which is incredibly cheap for what you get from this group.
Like HOS this group collects records for the butterflies and moths seen in Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Its annual reports are also definitive an anyone interested in butterflies and moths should have them to hand.
Unlike HOS this group owns nature reserves and organises conservation work parties for the benefit of butterflies. One of their local members has also been investigating the planting of elms(the food plant of white letter hairstreaks) that are resistant to Dutch elm disease. His reports are downloadable from the web site.
You can join through the web site. It costs £2.33 a month.
Portsdown Conservation Volunteers &
Friends of Portsdown
These two linked organisations have their own pages on this web.
The Conservation Volunteers meet every Wednesday to work on the conservation of the chalk downland of the ridge on the northern border of Portsmouth. If you want to join us meet at the east gate of Fort Widley at 10 a.m. any Wednesday.
The Friends of Portsdown is a group formed to support the work of the Conservation Volunteers and promote interest in Portsdown. Walks and meeting are held to explore the habitat and the history of Portsdown.
Friends of Langstone Harbour
Click here to find the Friends of Langstone Harbour's page.
Bird Aware Solent is a partnership of local councils and conservation bodies around the Solent that aims to help people enjoy the coast without disturbing the birds.
Web site:
01962 832235